Minimizing Property Tax in Commercial Buildings

Minimizing Property Tax in Commercial Buildings

In recent years, commercial property taxes have become an increasingly important issue for businesses and property owners. As the cost of owning and operating commercial property rises, the burden of property taxes can become a significant financial burden for businesses. As such, companies need to be aware of the potential solutions available to minimize their liability for commercial property taxes. It allows them to increase the profits that they get, as well as reduce the overall rents that get charged to tenants in the properties.

Understanding Commercial Property Tax 

Before discussing the various solutions available to businesses and property owners to minimize their commercial property tax liability, it is essential to understand what commercial property tax is. Commercial property tax is a local tax based on real estate value used for business activities. It is typically assessed annually and based on the property’s market value. The tax is usually much higher than residential property taxes, as businesses generally have a higher economic value than residential properties. 

Local governments typically assess and collect commercial property taxes to fund public services, such as schools, roads, and other public services. The amount of tax owed by each business can vary widely, depending on the location and value of the property. Companies may be able to take advantage of special incentives or reduced rates to reduce their commercial property tax liability. 

Options for Minimizing Commercial Property Tax Liability

To minimize their commercial property tax liability, various options are available to businesses and property owners. These options include appealing the property’s assessed value, applying for tax exemptions and discounts, and taking advantage of special incentives and reduced rates. 

Appealing the Assessed Value of the Property

One of the most effective ways to reduce commercial property tax liability is to appeal the property’s assessed value. Businesses and property owners can only challenge their estimated value if they believe it is reasonable. To do so, businesses and property owners must file an appeal with the local government where the property is located. Upon filing the appeal, the provincial government will review the request and may adjust the assessed value of the property accordingly. 

Applying for Tax Exemptions and Abatements

Another option available to businesses and property owners to reduce their commercial property tax liability is to apply for tax exemptions and reductions. Tax exemptions and discounts are special incentives or reduced rates that local governments offer to encourage businesses and property owners to invest in certain areas or activities. These incentives can include reduced tax rates, higher assessment values, or exemptions from certain taxes. To take advantage of these incentives, businesses and property owners must typically apply for them with the local government where the property is located and do so in good time. 

Taking Advantage of Special Incentives and Reduced Rates

In addition to appealing the assessed value of the property and applying for tax exemptions and reductions, businesses and property owners can also take advantage of special incentives and reduced rates. In many cases, local governments offer businesses and property owners special incentives or reduced rates to encourage investment and economic development in certain areas. These incentives can include reduced tax rates, reduced assessment values, and even complete exemptions from certain taxes. To take advantage of these incentives, businesses and property owners typically apply for them with the local government where the property is located. Each business owner needs to understand the local laws governing the different tax exemptions in their region. Only then can the business get the appropriate tax exemptions that will increase the profit for the business owner.


In conclusion, commercial property taxes can be a significant financial burden for businesses and property owners. As such, businesses and property owners need to be aware of the various options available to them to minimize their liability for commercial property taxes. These options include appealing the property’s assessed value, applying for tax exemptions and discounts, and taking advantage of special incentives and reduced rates. By understanding their options and taking advantage of them, businesses and property owners can reduce their commercial property tax liability and save money in the long run.